Gente loca.
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

In good old times, remember my friend
Moon was so bright and so close to us, sometimes
We were still blind and deaf, what a bliss
Painting the world of our own, for our own eyes, now
Can we ever have what we had then?
Friendship unbreakable
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
If I had you beside me
One cloudy day we both lost the game
We drifted so far and away
Nothing is quite as cruel as a child
Sometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes
And we'll never have what we had then
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
If I had you beside me now
I was unable to cope with what you said
Sometimes we need to be cruel to be kind
Child that I was, could not see the reason
Feelings I had were but sham and a lie
I have never forgotten your smile
Your eyes, oh, Shamandalie
Times went by, many memories died
I'm writing this down to ease my pain
You saw us always clearer than me
How we were never meant to be
Love denied meant the friendship would die
Now I have seen the light
These memories make me cry
Can I ever have what I had then?
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
All those moments with you
See the world with my wide open eyes
Friendship got broken
There's no other for me
Like the one of my childhood
Can you forgive me?
Love got better off me,
On that day back in old times...
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
it's only my heart talking.
{Se acaba de conectar}
Junto a la companía de Alice Cooper espero a ver si me hablás esta noche, o no sé. Si te llego a perder por mi culpa, no sé que voy a hacer.
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye.
I'm in tears, and the cryin' that I do is for you
I want your love, let's break the walls between us
Don't make it tough, I'll put away my pride
Enough's enough, I've suffered and I've seen the light
Baby, You're my angel, come and save me tonight
You're my angel, come and make it alright
Don't know what I'm gonna do about this feelin' inside
Yes, it's true, loneliness took me for a ride
Without your love, I'm nothing but a beggar
Without your love, a dog without a bone
What can I do? I'm sleepin' in this bed alone
Baby, You're my angel, come and save me tonight
You're my angel, come and make it alright
Come and save me tonight.
You're the reason I live
You're the reason I die
You're the reason I give
When I break down and cry
Don't need no reason why
Baby, baby, baby
You're my Angel, come and save me tonight
You're my Angel, come and make it alright
You're my Angel, come and save me tonight
You're my Angel, come and take me alright
Come and save me tonight
Come and save me tonight
Come and save me tonight
Come and save me tonight
Come and save me tonight ♥
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one with whom these feelings I share
Nobody understands, quite why we're here
We're searchin' for answers
That never appear
But maybe if I looked real hard I'd
I'd see you tryin' too
To understand this life that we're all goin' through
(Then when she said she was gonna like
wreck my car... I didn't know what to do)
Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
I guess some things never change
Never change
I met an old cowboy
I saw the look in his eyes
Somethin' tells me he's been here before
'Cause experience makes you wise
I was only a small child
When the thought first came to me
That I'm a son of a gun and the gun of a son
That brought back the devil in me
Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
I guess some things never change
Never change
I ain't quite what you'd call an old soul
Still wet behind the ears
I been around this track a couple o' times
But now the dust is startin' to clear
Oh yeah!!!
Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse
An I don't know why you'd be bringin' me down
I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you'd think by now
I'd be smilin'
Ooh yeah, I'd be smilin'
No way I'd be smilin'
Ooh smilin'
Sick of this life
Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one
With whom these feelings I share
Extraño tanto hablar con vos por teléfono pero bueh, todo está mejor así, te deseo mucha felicidad (:
martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010
martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010
lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010
Carta de despedida.
Poco a poco me alejo de ti, me alejo porque te quiero sé que tu corazón no entiende porqué pero la razón a veces es más fuerte que el corazón... me duele esta decisión pero sabes bien que no puedo seguir llenando mi corazón con esta ilusión que acobija mi corazón...
El amor que nos tenemos es maravilloso porque nació de lo más profundo de estos corazones solitarios que encontraron en la distancia una razón por la cual soñaron, vibramos al dulce eco de esta voz que llegó al corazón que le trajo melodías a este corazón ya marchito y me hiciste feliz, muy feliz, pero hoy aunque mi corazón muere de dolor tengo que decirte adiós.
Esta despedida está llenándome de dolor, desgarrando mis entrañas, llevándose todo lo sueños, toda mi ilusión, sin ti mi vida será vacía pero sé muy bien que tú serás feliz y yo por ti también lo seré... gracias amor mío por enseñarme que se puede ser feliz aun cuando el dolor es parte de la vida misma... te quiero, te quiero y siempre te voy a querer...
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